
Prolotherapy is short for proliferation therapy. It is a safe, non-surgical treatment for chronic pain and joint degeneration using injections to stimulate healing. We have been using prolotherapy for over thirty years and have studied with field leaders including Dr. Paterson, DO and Dr. Bjorn Eck, MD at the University of Wisconsin. We have participated in prolotherapy clinics in Europe, Venezuela and Tahiti as well as in the United States. With over 37 years experience in nutritional medicine, we emphasize metabolic diet and nutrient therapies along with prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma therapy to optimize the body’s healing response in joints and ligaments.

When we see a new patient who is considering prolotherapy, we will take a medical history, perform a targeted physical exam as well as review diet and nutrients. The prolotherapy solutions we use are combinations of dextrose, bicarbonate, lidocaine or xylocaine, and sterile water. Additionally, often vitamin B complex, B12, folate and magnesium are added to stimulate a healing response.

After a prolotherapy injection one can experience soreness around the areas injected. This is an expected consequence as proliferation therapy requires an inflammatory healing response in order to stimulate regrowth of connective tissue. The soreness can last from hours to up to a week after the injection. Typically the soreness diminishes greatly after one day. You can apply ice to the areas injected but try not to use aspirin or other NSAIDs such as Motrin or Advil for at least 24 hours after a prolo treatment. Please contact us if there are any questions or concerns following your treatment.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an “autologous” therapy that uses a patient’s own blood serum to access the body’s naturally occurring growth factors and cytokines found in platelets to stimulate the body’s self repair processes and stem cells. If prolotherapy is not as successful as desired, PRP can be used to enhance stem cell growth and healing.

What to expect after Prolotherapy

We will use a numbing spray before injecting the targeted site for prolotherapy to minimize discomfort and pain upon injection. After the injection (s) you can expect the site (s) to be numb from a 30 to 45 minutes due to the local anesthetic effect of lidocaine or xylocaine. For the first 24 to 48 hours after injection of the proliferation solution you can expect soreness and or aching. Please ice the site to minimize discomfort. Try not to use NSAID anti-inflammatory medicines including Motrin, aspirin, Aleve, etc. for the first 24 hours after treatment as these may reduce or even negate the beneficial effects of the proliferation solution. You may contact us if there are follow up questions or concerns or if swelling, redness, bruising or pain persist longer than 48 hours. Usually these symptoms resolve after a few days so please take it easy and plan on resting without vigorous exertion, travel or exercise until symptoms recede or are gone completely. In cases of chronic joint degeneration or osteoarthritis the symptoms after Prolotherapy can be more intense and persist up to a week or more after injection. Continue icing the site and contact us if there are any concerns. Just as we’re all similar yet different, our body’s response to Prolotherapy will be individual and varied. We’re here to guide you through this experience and optimize your body’s healing potential.

We will be happy to discuss your questions regarding prolotherapy, or platelet rich plasma therapy and look forward to introducing you to this very effective, natural therapy for acute and chronic pain, joint degeneration of the neck, back, knees, feet, hips, sacroiliac, and shoulders.